10 Bright Yellow Perennial Flowers to Add to Your Garden

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Brock Ingham
Brock Ingham

Perennials are a great addition to any garden, but yellow flowers specifically add a unique dynamic to the space. This color is versatile as it works well as a bright yellow display or mixed with other flowers, enhancing other plants in the space while improving the overall color vibrancy. 

When on the subject of yellow flowers, the standard sunflower comes to mind. However, there are a plethora of flower types that adorn any garden, from bright to soft yellow, adding a pleasantness to your backyard. 

“If you’ve never experienced the joy of accomplishing more than you can imagine, plant a garden.”

Robert Brault

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Here I’ve narrowed down  10 excellent options for you to consider when designing your yard. These flowers don’t demand too much in terms of growth needs, and they all complement one another. No matter how small or large your garden space is, I recommend adding these gorgeous perennial flowers. 

1. Sundrops (Oenothera fruticosa)

This is a fun and easy choice for someone new to gardening – but seasoned pros can enjoy this very undemanding flower too!  Sundrops grow in bunches, producing small round flowers that are roughly 2 inches in diameter. 


    These gems are a tough species of plant that do fine with minimal amounts of water and fertilizer. Their growth isn’t hindered by tough terrain or rocky soil. 

    My go-to ground cover🍀

    Not all flowers need to be tall. Ground covers like these bright yellow Sundrops add a sprawling canopy of flowers to your garden landscape. As with most ground covers Sundrops will thrive in a variety of soil conditions including sand, loam, and clay. Once the flowers dry up you’re left with these interesting little seed pods that appear translucent with the backdrop of a setting sun.

    Initially, you can start off with seeds, but once you have a few flowers growing, you can expand your collection by splitting up clumps and planting them separately. 

    Botanical Name: Oenothera fruticosa 
    Growth Rate: Fast 
    Native Range: Eastern North America
    Hardiness Zones:4-8
    Soil Needs: Chalk, loam, sand 
    Blooming Period:Late spring to early summer.
    Water needs:Low, average 
    Exposure:Full sun to partial shade.
    Sundrop Growing Guide Chart

    2. Yellow Evening Primrose (Oenothera macrocarpa)

    This is also known as the Missouri Primrose since it is native to the southern and central regions of America. This plant features long tubular flowers that are downward facing. It is a nocturnal plant, so its flowers bloom at night. 

    Keep in mind moths pollinate these plants, so you’ll want to separate them from other moth-sensitive plants. 

    Botanical Name: Oenothera macrocarpa
    Growth Rate: Fast-growing plant that can quickly reach its mature size
    Native Range: Southern and Central America
    Hardiness Zones:Zones 3-7
    Soil Needs: Prefers medium loam, sandy loam, and limestone-based soils
    Blooming Period:Late spring to early summer.
    Water needs:This species of evening primrose has low water needs
    Exposure:Full sun
    Yellow Evening Primrose Growing Guide Chart

    3. Yellow Coneflower (Echinacea paradoxa)

    The Yellow Coneflower is a rare variety among related Echinacea’s produces large daisy-like flowers that can be 4-5 inches across. It is a tough plant that can withstand heat very well. The dark chocolate brown cone in the center of the flower makes it a unique site in any garden. 

    pollinator pick🦋

    Yellow Coneflowers are excellent at attracting all sorts of pollinators to your garden including, bees, butterflies and even humming birds. By adding more pollinator-friendly plants like the Yellow Coneflower you enhance the overall health of your garden through cross-pollination.

    Yellow Coneflowers grow in non-invasive clumps making them the perfect companion plant that won’t choke out or overshadow neighbouring plants.

    Botanical Name: Echinacea paradoxa 
    Growth Rate: Fast-growing
    Native Range: South and Central America
    Hardiness Zones:5-9
    Soil Needs: Echinacea paradoxa prefers well-draining soils, including chalk, loam, and sand.
    Blooming Period:Early to late summer
    Water needs:Low water needs, drought tolerant
    Exposure:Full sun
    Yellow Coneflower Growing Guide Chart

    4. Yellow Daylily (Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus)

    This plant has small trumpet-shaped flowers that are extremely fragrant. Its bright yellow color makes it a visual treat in any setting. 

    This plant also has an early bloom period, usually at the end of spring and early summer, making it perfect for that transition period when not many other flowers bloom. 

    Botanical Name: Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus
    Growth Rate: Medium 
    Native Range: Southern America, Europe, Asia 
    Hardiness Zones:3-9
    Soil Needs: Grows well in Ballyrobert — but can grow in any type
    Blooming Period:Early to mid-summer
    Water needs:Low 
    Exposure:Full sun to partial shade
    Yellow Daylily Growing Guide Chart

    5. Golden Yarrow (Eriophyllum confertiflorum)

    The Golden Yarrow can take many forms depending on how you prune it. It can be a colorful little shrub, or it can end up taking over a big empty space in your garden. 

    best for drought tolerance💧

    If you live in a dry and arid region the Golden Yarrow sill soon become your best friend. Out of all the yellow flowers in this list the Golden Yarrow is best equipped to handle the heat and dry spells. Consider planting this flower if water conservation is a concern.

    Beyond the natural bloom time, the silvery foliage of the Golden Yarrow adds seasonal interest to your typical green hues.

    Botanical Name: Eriophyllum confertiflorum
    Growth Rate: Medium 
    Native Range: California 
    Hardiness Zones:6-11
    Soil Needs: Loam, sand 
    Blooming Period:Late spring to early summer
    Water needs:Very low 
    Exposure:Full sun
    Golden Yarrow Growing Guide Chart

    6. Golden Columbine (Aquilegia chrysantha)

    Being native to the arid regions of Utah through to Arizona, Golden Columbine will thrive through the summer heat. While it’s able to tolerate hot weather, the Golden Columbine is also surprisingly resilient during cold spells, staying hardy all the way down to Zone 3.

    This flower is popular among pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Try planting Golden Columbine among other shade-loving plants like the feathery plumes of the Astilbe or my personal favorite Coral Bells with purple foliage.

    Botanical Name: Aquilegia chrysantha)
    Growth Rate: Medium 
    Native Range: Southern states 
    Hardiness Zones:3-8
    Soil Needs: Clay, loam, sand 
    Blooming Period:Late spring to early summer.
    Water needs:low
    Exposure:Full sun to partial shade
    Golden Columbine Growing Guide Chart

    7. Bottle Rocket (Ligularia)

    This plant can grow to nearly a meter tall and has large flowers in vertical cones. This is best suited to large outdoor spaces with plenty of light and room to reach its full potential. 

    Challenges Ahead: 🐌

    While Bottle Rockets are easy to care for under the right conditions, watch out for hungry snails. Out of all the flowers in this list, Bottle Rockets are most susceptible to snails and slugs. Check the leaves regularly to keep the damage at bay.

    Bottle Rocket flowers can grow even if there isn’t a lot of light. You can plant these bright yellow flowers among your shade-loving ferns and hostas.

    Botanical Name: Ligularia 
    Growth Rate: Medium 
    Native Range: China, Japan 
    Hardiness Zones:4-9
    Soil Needs: Clay, loam 
    Blooming Period:Late summer
    Water needs:Average 
    Exposure:Partial to full shade
    Bottle Rocket Growing Guide Chart

    8. St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum)

    St. John’s Wort has spread widely over the years. In some regions, it’s even considered a weed. Next time you’re looking at the St. John’s Wort flower try holding a petal up to the light. You will see tons of glands filled with essential oils.

    These oils have been prized in herbal remedies but can also cause issues for grazing wildlife. It’s no wonder that some consider it a weed.

    Botanical Name: Hypericum perforatum
    Growth Rate: Medium 
    Native Range: Europe, North Africa, Western Asia 
    Hardiness Zones:3-8
    Soil Needs: Clay, sand, loam 
    Blooming Period:Mid to late summer
    Water needs:Average 
    Exposure:Full sun to partial shade
    St. John’s Wort Growing Guide Chart

    9. Prairie Sun (Rudbeckia hirta)

    The daisy-like flower on this plant adds a lot of color as the flower has shades of yellow, orange, and mahogany. The Prairie Sun grows tall flowers around 2 feet tall. Try planting in the middle or back section of garden beds for completing heights.

    Prairie Sun (Rudbeckia hirta) is a winner in its category receiving the esteemed All-America Selections (AAS) award for its distinct qualities like drought tolerance and disease resistance.

    Botanical Name: Rudbeckia hirta 
    Growth Rate: Long 
    Native Range: Midwest 
    Hardiness Zones:3-8 
    Soil Needs: Clay, loam 
    Blooming Period:Mid to late summer
    Water needs:Low 
    Exposure:Full sun
    Prairie Sun Growing Guide Chart

    10. Lance-Leaved Coreopsis (Coreopsis lanceolata)

    These plants grow small daisy-shaped flowers with lanced leaves. They have the best impact when grown in larger colonies, adding plenty of color to your garden with their spring-to-summer blooming times. 

    This flower is drought-resistant and hardy down to USDA zone 4. Try growing Coreopsis among tall ornamental grasses, their fine texture and movements will complement the bright buttercup flowers.

    Botanical Name: Coreopsis lanceolata 
    Growth Rate: Medium 
    Native Range: Southern states 
    Hardiness Zones:4-9 
    Soil Needs: Chalk, loam, sand 
    Blooming Period:Spring to early summer
    Exposure:Full sun
    Coreopsis Growing Guide Chart

    Final Thoughts

    Growing these yellow flowers is easy as they are tough plants that can withstand harsh conditions. 

    Being perennial plants, they provide you with beautiful flowers for many years to come. However, some of these can be invasive, especially if you have delicate flowers in the area. 

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